Struggling to bring consistency on Game Day?
Are you familiar with the phrase “practice makes perfect”? Despite its consistency throughout time, it is not entirely accurate. Why is that? It’s simple. Only a perfect training session can lead to perfect results and there is no such thing as perfect training if interference is present.
True…repetition is the way to mastery, but you cannot physically out train your brain. Yes, you have to train in order to become better in anything you do in life but training is not just about training your body and your muscles. It’s about training your mind and developing mental strength as well. The brain is extremely fast and efficient and once any interference is triggered, no words of encouragement can stop the unraveling. Only the right training, tools and techniques have the potential to lead to an Strong Mindset. A Mindset of High Performers!
If you are a parent of an athlete, you have probably already experienced this first hand with you child. You’ve witnessed them “nail” it at training and then struggle to make a powerful appearance when the time comes to put all that training into game day or in a competitive trialling environment.
Why is that? It’s quite simple really. While one’s focus should be entirely on the things they want to see happen, the exact opposite can be seen when it’s game time and the pressure is upon them. Once your athletes interference kicks in and they feel they might buckle under pressure, their focus shifts to all the things they DO NOT WANT to happen.
The mind is then swarmed with all the relentless images, feelings and fears of:
♦ Fear of Failure
♦ Disappointing parents, coaches or teammates
♦ Insecurities or Inadequacy
Believe it or not some athletes even fear too much success!!
Even though your athlete acts or appears confident on the outside, you see they are distracted and something is off. They are distracted because there is mental interference…
What you need to understand is that everybody has the potential to do anything they set their minds to. As long as you eliminate the interference… everything is possible, including performing to your highest potential consistently.
Even the world’s ELITE athletes need specialised mental strength coaching. They too can struggle with interference, fail to believe and get blocked by their own mind when their trying to beat another personal record or take their performance to the next level. Therefore, it’s not repetition, but rather, interference-free repetition that leads to perfect practice and MASTERY.
The good news is that it’s perfectly normal and easy to fix! Everybody at some point will experience this but what separates you from the rest is you now have the opportunity, to help them get past it. You have the chance to provide your athlete with the tools to better prepare themselves for the problems in life that they will face. A “MASTER KEY” to unlock their full potential.
This will be the most beneficial and empowering decision you will make for their future. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, take charge now and do what works… once and for all!
And the best part? The only thing you have to do is step up to the plate. Follow my 4-session RACE protocol to perform consistently!
Do you know that completing a marathon is 90% mental? It’s all in your mind. Of course, training plays a significant role, but all the training in the world could not help you if you do not have a high level of confidence in your ability to perform under stressful situations. You know you’ve trained hard, you know you can do it, but when the time comes and you are consumed with all the mental chatter and interference, will you mentally buckle under the pressure, or will you push your limits of what’s comfortable and rise to the occasion?
Most times, coaches suggest more training, more special skills or even harder workouts. While all these are fine, and required at times none of them tackles the real problem. It doesn’t really matter how many times you have successfully practiced your game or routine in a safe environment, you are still going to struggle under the stress and experience performance anxiety when the big day comes. That is unless you get the specialised sports mental training that makes all the difference. Learning to flip the switch, beat your fears, remain confident, stay laser focused and present in the moment. Control the controllables!
As a coach I help my players and clients find solutions to improve their confidence in sports performance.
Contact me now to see how I can work with you to unlock your full potential.